Office Spring Cleaning Tips

Office Cleaning

Birds singing and flowers blooming makes the mind go to spring and spring cleaning.  With spring comes the idea of refreshing our interior spaces as nature takes care of the outside.   Some simple and easy things can be done to make your space clean and help increase productivity.

Survey says….

In a survey of 1000 office workers, 75% said that a clean office makes them more productive. In the same Adecco survey, 57% of the respondents said that they “have judged a co-worker based on the cleanliness of their workspace” and nearly half say they have been “appalled” by a dirty office.

While some contend that they “have a system,” a cluttered office is having a negative effect on their productivity as well has how capable they are perceived to be by others. Spring-cleaning should address the basic idea of cleanliness– i.e. clearing the dust and cleaning surfaces as well as the problem of clutter and lack of organization.

Cleaning Tips

Here are some steps that will help you tackle the former and lay the groundwork for creating a more organized space.

1 – Using a microfiber cloth and some soap and water, like mom used to do, will remove dust and help shine the surfaces back to their former luster.

2 – Our rule of thumb is that if you have not used it in the last 6 months, get rid of it.  Often times we hang on to things and add to the clutter.  If you have not needed it in the last 6 months you likely don’t need it and it only purpose now is to add to the mess.

3 – Take a moment and hit those floors.  Dust bunnies, while cute in name, are like tumbleweeds in the old west.  Get rid of them.  Pull things out and get behind them.  Use a broom or vacuum to edge your space and get those hard to reach spaces that have accumulated everything over the winter.

Happy Spring Cleaning!  If we can help, give Living Green Commercial Cleaning a call – 417-206-7568.